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No:41/22, Kothavalchavadi Street

Saidapet(west), Chennai-15.

About Us

About us

Renting Innovation For Ages To Come

Our Mission Our Vision Our Objective

Subham Computech has taken upon itself the noble mission of automating office systems through modern, innovative and cutting-edge technologies, thus offering its customer clientele a complete range of services and products.


Subham Computech will rise to the pinnacle as among the leaders in the industry, a position of pride that it will achieve by sheer dint of effort, wholesome business policies and strict adherence to values of integrity and customers


Customers come first, Zero error and perfection in execution is our quality statement. This we believe can be achieved by constant upgradation of technology and compliance with international standards of service. We will deal only with brands that have an impeccable reputation and we on our part will never fail to rise to the expectation of our revered customers.

Subham Computech is an IT equipment rental provider that offers the complete suite of IT systems rental services. We are operating from Chennai for the past 2 decades serving to multiple industries and destinations in India.

Over the years, we have grown multifold providing large scale systems rentals within short delivery time and thus ensure business continuity. We have gained goodwill among our clients by our sheer Service Excellency. Coupled with marketing strengths and effective networking Subham has developed a formidable customer base.

Today we have a larger availability of systems and technical expertise to provide business consulting and address clients needs in a stipulated time. Subham has chalked out elaborate plans to leverage on its technical and administrative strengths to reach out to a wider range of consumers in the near future.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(10am - 05 pm)
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